The Federación ASPAYM Andalucía, is a non-profit organization specializing in the care for people with spinal cord injury and severe physical disabilities.
Aspaym Andalucía was formed in March 2013 and is regional ambit, registered in the Registro de Asociaciones de Andalucía, number 18-2-86 and Section 2nd. As a representative organization of persons with spinal cord injury and severe physical disabilities is integrated into PREDIF, Plataforma Representativa Estatal de Personas con Discapacidad Física.
It is constituted at present by three Associations located in several Andalusian provinces
(Aspaym Granada, Aspaym Malaga and Aspaym Cordoba) coordinating efforts, representing and claiming to society and the Andalusian Administration, the rights of persons with spinal cord injury and severe physical disabilities, and having as their object and purpose, to promote and encourage personal autonomy, by performing all the actions and activities of social, civic, vindictive, educational …, coordinating the actions of its partners and managing the procurement of human economic, funding for these programs and joint projects.
The philosophy that promotes our actions are based on the following basic principles:
We believe in the abilities of people with spinal cord injury and severe physical disabilities and their working and social future. The philosophy that drives us is not focused on the limitations, but its possibilities and promotes appropriate strategies to develop their skills.
Improving the quality of life of these people through effective social integration and normalization of their particular situations, minimizing and mitigating impediments disadvantages.
ASPAYM Andalucía is governed by the principle of «Real and effective participation of all citizens equality.»
1. Remove all obstacles to social integration of people with spinal cord injury and a severe physical disability; providing them with the knowledge, training and skills to their full socio-cultural-work and personal integration.
2. Promote the participation of the group shown in the plans for prevention and rehabilitation of different disabilities, as well as participation and collaboration with local, provincial, regional, state, international government and private entities in the development of standards, laws, regulations and other provisions affecting people with spinal cord injuries and severe physical disabilities.
3. The promotion and implementation of activities, educational, athletic, recreational, technical, cultural with physical disabilities.
4. Personal advice, technical, labor, legal and any other that may be necessary for the injured / a cord and physically disabled person.
5. The defense of the rights and interests of partners in all areas.
6. Collaboration and integration in other organizations whose aims are similar.
7. Those that related to their activity assigned the General Assembly, and local regulations that may be enacted in the future.
8. Working in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Action in the collective interest of people with disabilities and their families in countries other than Spain through cooperative projects that help improve their living conditions and to encourage mentoring relationships with associative movements of people with disabilities.